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Corrosion Testing Instrument Model 608

Corrosion Testing Instrument Model 608

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Cyclic Tests / Alternating Climate Stress / Alternating Corrosion Stress
The corrosion chamber Model 608 is available in two models:

Model 608-1: The control cabinet 608-1 comes with a SIEMENS D7 200 PLC (Programmable Logic Control). The test cycles and the test parameters are entered using a SIMATIC touch screen. Cyclic corrosion tests in accordance with the various standards can be performed in a user-friendly manner. Five standard test sequences are pre-programmed and an extra program sequence is available for customized programming.

The dome at top of the test chamber is pneumatically opened and closed, so the user can use both the hands to place the specimens. The exact consumption of a spray solution can be adjusted by a dosing pump. The large storage tank of approx. 200 l salt solution allows continuous testing without requiring attention over a period of up to a week. The lower part of the control unit has a permanently installed storage tank with a circulation pump for mixing the salt solution.

Model 608-2: with the possibility of two test chambers: While the construction of the control cabinet of 608-2 is similar to that of 608-1, the 608-2-control chamber can control two chambers at once. This 608-2 model comes with two dosing pumps, two circulation pumps and two integrated storage reservoirs (each 150 l) for spraying liquid. The four condensate receptacles are also part of the system.

Test chambers:

  • Available sizes – 400 l, 1000 l or 2000 l
  • Shape of chambers: Circular and Rectangular
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