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Stone Chip Tester Erichsen

Multigrit Tester 508 Select Stone Hammer Blow Test Instrument

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The 508 Select: Modular Stone Hammer Blow Tester with Interchangeable Modules (VDA / ISO & SAE / ASTM)

The latest development of our manufacturing partners Erichsen GmbH & Co. KG, Germany is Multigrit Tester 508 Select, Stone Hammer Blow Test Instrument.

The 508 Select is a modular system that allows users to easily shift between the VDA/ISO related standards as well as the SAE/ASTM standards. The instrument is used to assess the ability of single and multiple layers of paints and similar coating materials to stand the impacts caused by small bodies of low mass hitting the specimen at high speed as experienced on road and rail vehicles and other equipment used in the transport field.

Menu navigation facility via the touch panel has password-protected levels, which protect against unauthorized access (such as program changes).

The instrument can be used to assess single and multiple layers of paints and similar coating materials.

Operation at very low temperatures (down to -30 °C) is available as an option.

Adjustable time for feeding shot.

Touch panel display.

85-264 VAC / 47-63 Hz (control circuit volt. 24 V) power input

Supported Standards:
Module 1: VDA tests can be carried in according to DIN EN ISO 20567-1,FORD FLTM BI 157-06,RENAULT D24 1702,PSA D24 1312,DAIMLER DBL 5416.
Module 2: 508 Select (SAE module) tests can be carried in according to SAE J 400, ASTM D 3170 , SAE J 400, ASTM D 3170

Further to the above two modules, almost all sub-modules that have been offered for 508 SAE & 508 VDA are usable with the 508 Select as well.


  • Test type: stone hammer blow
  • Other characteristics: pneumatic
  • Standard : VDA/SAE
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